Elsie Locke Writing Prize 2014

Elsie Locke Writing Prize 2014

for original writing by students in Years 7 and 8

Since 2009, thousands of students have participated in
the Elsie Locke Writing Prize. Support your students to
take part, too.
The Elsie Locke Writing Prize commemorates Elsie
Locke’s life, both as a writer and as a person who was
concerned about peace, the environment, women’s
issues, and community. The winner receives $250
together with a commemorative bookplate and
certificate, and their story is published in a School
Theme for 2014 – Water
Water is a crucial resource. It matters to people, to
countries, to the planet. So who does water belong
to? How should it be used and controlled?
Students should write a piece of fiction in which
water plays a key role. The story could be about
people finding water, using water, needing water,
or fighting over water. It could be set in the past,
present, or future – but it needs to show that
water matters.
For stories and articles in the School Journal that might
help with the theme, see “Water Worries” by Rachael
McMillan (SJ Level 3 April 2012) and “Kahawai” by Paul
Mason (SJ Level 3 October 2013).
Entires will be judged on the quality of the writing.
The judges look for the following:
An effective, original response to the theme
The ability to engage the reader
A sense of time, place, and character
Clarity and coherence
A flair with language (in particular, the effective use of
figurative language).
To read the winning stories from previous years, see
“War Games” (SJ 4.3.09), “The Half-crown” (SJ 4.3.10),
“Too Close to the Wind” (SJ Level 4 October 2011), and
“Past, Present, and Future” (SJ Level 4 October 2012).
These stories can also be read on the Elsie Locke website
Competition Rules
The Competition is open to students in years 7 and 8.
Entries should be around 500–600 words (maximum).
They may be handwritten. All work must be the writer’s
own, and the winner must be willing for their story to
become Crown copyright.

Due to Mrs Bester by 1st August 2014

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